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Let's work together for your next event!

Bring the founder of The International Academy of Values Inspired Coaching, Rod Macdonald to your next event.

In-Person or Online, Rod will serve your audience with a level of depth, connection, and humour the audience will profoundly appreciate. 


Pick from these options or contact us for something custom-made for your organization

frustrated employee



Unlock your organization's potential by aligning values with vision.

In "Your Values are Killing Your Workplace," Rod uncovers how unexamined values can sabotage success and morale. Discover how to pivot these into your greatest asset, reshaping culture and igniting innovation.

This keynote empowers leaders to transform workplaces with integrity and purpose, turning pitfalls into growth catalysts.

Click for a FREE Call
happy emploee



Discover the power of true authenticity with "Unleashing Authenticity."

Rod guides audiences to embrace their true selves, making authenticity a competitive edge.

Learn how this fosters deeper connections, enhances trust, and sparks creativity. Attendees will gain strategies to break free from limitations, unlocking potential and leading impactful lives.

Click for a FREE Call
inspiring leader



Become a transformative leader with "The Values Inspired Leader."

Rod explores leadership grounded in core values, showing how this drives positive change and empowers teams.

Learn to inspire trust and drive success as a values-driven leader. Attendees will gain insights to lead with clarity and conviction, building a legacy of purpose and progress.

Click for a FREE Call


Book a call to chat about your event, what your goals are, what kind of experience you want your attendees to have, and how I can help by delivering a powerful and inspiring talk to your group.



Rod Macdonald Collage of photos


Rod news appearances


Rod networking
  • Rod has over 30 years experience in personal and professional development as a speaker, coach, author, and leader.

  • Rod has influenced hundreds of thousands of people to positively transform their lives, delivering his message on stages at events in the United States, Australia, New Zealand, China, and across Canada.

  • Rod has helped numerous organizations to be their best both big and small, including not-for-profit national organizations and for-profit international companies.

  • Rod has created, co-created, and renovated million-dollar education programs, helping to certify tens of thousands of people in multiple educational streams.

  • Rod co-wrote the best-selling "Foundations of Professional Personal Training" and co-wrote the “Healthy Eating & Weight Loss Coach Certification.”

  • Rod co-wrote "Adversity to Adaptability: Turn Life's Greatest Challenges Into Your Greatest Opportunities."

  • Rod has also contributed hundreds of articles to numerous magazines for over 20 years.

  • Rod is a 4-time Ironman competitor, cross-Canada cyclist, former competitive rower, 200-hour RYT yogi, and proud husband, and father.

  • Rod wants to help you better understand yourself and those around you to be happier and more successful.



    Yulia Shperber, past course participant, Coach

    Youssef Skalli, past course participant, Coach

    Deanna Lawson-Langford, past course participant, Coach

    “… what I would love to celebrate Rod for is his innate gift to instil confidence in anyone that he's taking through the course to ensure that they understand that their unique background, experience, and capabilities, that they already have - their strengths - is what is going to support them…”

    Allie King, Past Course Participant, Coach

    “… I just finished a session with Rod - so excited - cannot believe the greatness that he pulled out of me! I have homework but that's okay. It's time to take action, time to take steps to get to my purpose. Hurry, go, Rod’s waiting for you!”

    Jully Black, Award-Winning Musical Artist

    “…Hiring Rod’s been one of the best things that I've done. He's been such a tremendous help for me; he's there for me when I need him. I owe a lot of gratitude to him for getting me to where I actually am today so if you're looking for a coach, I strongly recommend hiring Rod!"

    Richie Keirouz, Champion Bodybuilder, Coach, Past Course Participant, Professional Speaker

    Jonathan Pasenko, Past Course Participant, Coach

    Fyonna Vanderwerf, Owner of Hive Muskoka, Past Course Participant, Coach

    Devon Crowel, Real Estate Appraiser, Past Course Participant

    “…If you're thinking about doing this course, think no more - get it done. Rod is awesome, there's never a dull moment, he brings his experience, his story, and his personality into the course and tied it into the material. It is awesome! ”

    Eunice Lum, Physique Competitor, Trainer, Past Course Participant, Coach

    “…I am still riding the wave of bliss and inspiration from that experience. Our presenter was Rod Macdonald and he's totally friendly and awesome and just a wealth of information, so the whole training could not have been more supportive. I really felt connected to every person in my group and that's a rare thing for me to experience.”

    Alexandra Pitt, Licensed Professional Counsellor, Past Course Participant, Coach

    “...I took the most amazing course with the most amazing instructor who was Rod, who ROCKS. Rod took us through the course; took us through the lessons, and he did such an amazing job teaching this course. I feel empowered, inspired, and motivated. Please don't delay, I guarantee it's worth it.”

    Lorrie-Ann Dennie Bent, Past Course Participant, Coach

    Joanne Neweduk, Founder of Fabulous at 50, Past Course Participant, Coach

    Ben Kawa, Past Course Participant, Coach

    Heather Stewart, Founder of Heather Stewart Coaching, Host of the Back to Me Podcast, Past Course Participant, Coach

    “…It was amazing; I definitely recommend it to anyone that's looking to up their game. I can't wait to dive in and get going and make my business a great success. Thanks again Rod, you're a wonderful teacher, heart of gold, and I loved having you as my coach for this session, thanks!”

    Shelly Weber, Past Course Participant, Coach

    “…When I'm looking for a speaker, I want a speaker who truly cares about my audience. If you want a speaker who truly cares about making a positive difference in the lives of your audience members then you've got to hire my friend Rod Macdonald. He will help everyone in the audience. Rod truly cares and he comes from the heart.”

    James Malinchak, Featured in ABC’s Secret Millionaire, founder of bigmoneyspeaker.com

    “…I feel so confident and so set in starting my new business and I would not have been able to do this without Rod’s guidance. Rod is an incredible instructor. He reinforces with everyone that we can do this, not to let fear stand in our way but to turn that into courage and excitement and you can't help but feel that courage and excitement when taking this course anything is possible.”

    Brenda Blais, Owner of Coaching for Caregivers Canada, Past Course Participant, Coach

    Leithland Lyon, Past Course Participant, Coach

    Blake Miles, Host of Little Steps to Big Success Podcast, Past Course Participant, Coach

    Patrick Savoury, Owner of Pat on Your Back Personal Fitness, Past Course Participant, Coach

    “…I want to tell you about my coach, Mr. Rod Macdonald. Rod’s been helping me out amazingly; he knows what my strengths are, what my weaknesses are, and we work on those to make them even better; it's pretty cool. I would highly recommend Rod Macdonald for your coach.”

    Dr. Greg MacLuckie, Retired Chiropractor, Past Course Participant, Professional Speaker

    “…I loved it; I recommend it for anyone…for anyone who's planning to open his own business or planning to improve their life.”

    Dina Henawy, Public Relations Professional, Past Course Participant, Coach

    “…I just had a coaching session with Rod and what I found was, it was very helpful with giving me some clarity on vision and direction so if you need some help with being clear on what it is your business is doing, in the direction that you want it to go I recommend that you do a coaching session with Rod.”

    Kevin Darby, Founder of DTS Fitness Education, Professional Speaker


    The International Academy of Values Inspired Coaching's Founder, Rod Macdonald, has been featured in the following world-class media outlets and made appearances at the following international events

    Adidas Logo
    CACEE Logo
    CBC News
    Champlain College Logo
    canfitpro logo
    Club Industry Logo
    CTV Logo
    Fairmont Logo
    Filex logo
    Global News Logo
    Guinness Logo
    Huffington Logo
    ICAA logo
    IHRSA Logo
    IMPACT magazine Logo
    Mowhawk Logo
    Optimyz Logo
    PRO Ontario Logo
    Seneca College
    Tonic Logo
    Toronto Logo
    CAG Logo
    CCF logo
    York Region Logo
    Toronto Logo
    Toronto Star Logo
    YMCA College
    YogaFit Logo



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    Land Acknowledgment:
    The land upon which The International Academy of Values Inspired Coaching was conceived and now serves its clients from is the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples and is now home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples.

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