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Ever dream of being a published author? Being able to tell your clients, friends, and family that your writing is available in a published book? Want to leave the legacy that you were a published author? Time is running out for you to take advantage of the LOWEST possible price for our Values Inspired Become an Author Program!

You Could Be a Co-author in a Book Like This!

Your Own eBook Could Look Like This!


everything you need!

  • Collaborate to Publish on Amazon!

  • Become a published author! You’ll be part of an Amazon-Published eBook along with up to 14 other authors.

  • Support!

  • Get support along the way with educational sessions, suggestions, and guidance

  • Team Writing Session! JUST ADDED

  • An optional "team writing session" to get you going, keep you going, and help you break through any writer's block! Game over, procrastination!

  • Your Very Own eBook Too!

  • Your 500-2000 word chapter will ALSO be extracted into its own eBook

  • Custom Cover and Layout

  • Your eBook will have its own customized cover and layout for use as your own lead magnet, add-on, bonus, or revenue stream!

  • The Co-Authored Book in 3D

  • 3D Mock-up of the compilation book (like the ones in this email)

  • Your eBook in 3D

  • 3D Mock-up of your individual eBook



    ($797 CAD + tax)

    Regular Price $997 CAD+tax

    You won't find this kind of value anywhere. Take advantage now as there are limited spots available for this project. As soon as all the authors have been assigned, this project will be closed to registration.

    Next Deadline: Mar 29, 2024

    11:59 PM Eastern Time

    $797 Price Ends In:










    You will be able to use the credential “published author”

    You will have a co-author credential on a book published to Amazon

    You will have increased credibility as a coach and influencer

    You will have a dedicated lead magnet using your chapter of the book


  • Clarity about what's included in the program

  • The confidence to know you can do this

  • Certainty about getting across the "authoring finish line"

  • Excitement about becoming a published author

  • Understanding of where this fits in with your overall client acquisition strategy

  • The assuredness that this program includes everything you need to succeed


    Watch the Info Session to Learn EVERYTHING!

    ... and get a complimentary consultation call!

    Charity graphic


    Click the question to open the answer

    What is the "Values Inspired Become an Author" program?

    The "Values Inspired Become an Author" program is a comprehensive initiative designed to guide coaches and aspiring writers through the process of becoming published authors. It provides resources, mentorship, and support to help individuals develop and publish their work.

    Will I be able to promote myself within the book?

    At the end of your chapter, you will be encouraged to share any contact information you’d like to make public, so your audience can reach you if they choose to.

    Who is eligible to join the program?

    The program is open to writers of all levels, from beginners to experienced authors. Whether you're working on your first book or want to be a 2-time or 3-time author (or more), you are welcome to participate.

    How can the program be so affordable?

    If you haven’t figured it out yet, I want you to be as successful as possible. Part of that success is having confidence as a coach and part of that is your credibility. Your clients will be impressed that you are a “published author.” Also, I want you to be able to do this without cost being a significant barrier. Other programs like this cost upwards of $2,000 to $5,000 to even $10,000. This program is a fraction of that cost.

    What kind of support does the program offer?

    The program offers a range of support, including live webinars to answer your questions, a basic template to work with, editorial guidance, and access to your fellow authors. You will get a framework to follow for your writing, or you can use your own framework if you choose to. We want you to feel absolutely supported and empowered at the same time.

    What is the theme of the book?

    As a book written by coaches becoming authors, it will largely be a personal development book. The typical approaches will be:

    >Instructional: Identify a challenge your target market has and how they can make it better.

    >Biographical: If you have a story of overcoming a challenge, treat it like a mini-autobiography and identify how the audience can benefit from your experience.

    >Philosophical: If you have a unique perspective on life, this is your opportunity to share it along with how the audience can adopt it.

    What is the duration of the program?

    Our goal is to finalize the list of authors by March 2024 or earlier, and concurrently be writing towards a publishing date of summer 2024 or earlier.

    Do I retain ownership of my work?

    Yes, you retain 100% ownership of your intellectual property. The program is designed to empower you in your writing journey, and any publishing decisions of your material (beyond the inclusion in the compilation) are ultimately yours to make. You will be able to do anything you want with it, including giving it away, selling it, or bundling it with other products and services. You will keep 100% of any revenue generated by your individual eBook.

    Will the compilation book generate any revenue?

    You will be able to use your personalized eBook (your chapter, extracted into its own dedicated eBook) any way you want. You can offer it for free as a lead magnet, you can include it as a bonus with other offerings, or you can sell it and charge whatever you want for it. As for the compilation eBook (all authors) revenue generation is not the primary objective, however, if any revenue is generated, proceeds will be directed to The International Academy of Values Inspired Coaching, due to the price of the program being so affordable.

    Can I join the program if I'm working on a book that's already in progress?

    Absolutely! Whether you're just starting or have already made progress on your manuscript, the program is tailored to meet writers at various stages of their projects.

    Will there be a physical book?

    This project is for an eBook because it is the most cost-effective and fastest way to publish a book. If you choose to physically print your eBook, you can absolutely do so.

    What if I am already a published author?

    That is a bonus! Upon completion you will be able to call yourself a 2-time published author or 3-time published author, or however you want to promote yourself.

    What happens after I complete the program?

    After completing the program, you'll have gained valuable skills, insights, and the shared experience of authoring a chapter and co-authoring a book. And most importantly, you will have your own eBook that you can use in multiple ways!

    Will there be a “book launch?”

    When we have a firm date for when the book will be completed, we will use a launch strategy to get attention and build excitement. The only expectation is that you share the launch with your audience as will the other authors to exponentially increase awareness.

    Is there a limit to the number of authors?

    For this project, we will aim for 15 authors. The International Academy of Value Inspired Coaching reserves the right to adjust the number according to the projected length of the book and balance of types of writing included. Be sure to apply early to secure your spot.

    What if I’m not a very good writer?

    For this project, we will aim for 15 authors. The International Academy of Value Inspired Coaching reserves the right to adjust the number according to the projected length of the book and balance of types of writing included. Be sure to apply early to secure your spot.

    How do I apply for the program?

    Secure your spot ASAP. If you are not given a spot, your money will be refunded. Not sure if you want to join? To apply, or simply chat about your situation, book a call: https://ScheduleTimeWithRod.as.me/AuthorApp

    Who do I talk to if I have any questions?

    For any additional questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to me, Rod Macdonald at [email protected] I’m here to help!



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